Game-playing in New York
Democrats in New York are trying to game the system to keep UN Ambassador nominee Elise Stefanik’s House seat from being filled, depriving House Republicans of a vote in their narrow majority.
Issue #1
Thank you for subscribing to Huck PAC’s newsletter. We will keep you informed about the 2025-26 elections, and the candidates Huck PAC supports.
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Message from Mike
In 2008 I founded Huck PAC to promote conservative principles and help elect conservative candidates at every level of government. I believe that America is at a crossroads, and the choices we make in the coming years will determine the future of our country for generations.
This newsletter is dedicated to the 2025-26 elections and Huck PAC's role in helping to elect Republicans. Please share it with friends and family.
Mike Huckabee
Huck PAC’s first endorsement of 2025
To view our endorsements in 2024, go to our website here:
Game-playing in New York
Democrats in New York are trying to game the system to keep UN Ambassador nominee Elise Stefanik’s House seat from being filled, depriving House Republicans of a vote in their narrow majority, and depriving her voters of representation.
Great news for Republicans:
Democrats are determined never to win another election.
Over the weekend, the party elected Minnesota Democratic chair Ken Martin as the new Democratic National Committee chair and anti-gun social media blowhard David Hogg as vice chair.
Here’s some info on their backgrounds, especially Hogg’s utter lack of experience at anything other than being an obnoxious anti-gun zealot with zero life experience who boasts of his “wins” even as support for the Second Amendment and concealed carry laws has grown.
The entire process was so ludicrous, it was mocked and memed online and compared to “Saturday Night Live” back when it was funny. For instance, the MSNBC moderator asked who agreed that racism and misogyny played a role in Kamala Harris’ loss. All eight candidates raised their hands, and he replied, “That’s good, you all passed.”
The GOP must love that they’re still blaming the loss of their terrible candidate running on unpopular failed leftist policies on all the minorities and women who voted for Trump being racists and sexists. (A poll of attendees found that Harris is far and away their favored candidate for 2028, so more good news for Republicans and more proof that you can’t fix stupid.)
But the comedy highlight had to be outgoing DNC chairman Jaime Harrison explaining the party’s mind-numbing rules for electing the required balance of male, female and non-binary genders. It was like listening to someone read the rule for the board game “Risk” out loud. That’s how cemented they are to radical identity politics.
End result: They elected two more white guys.
3 Special Elections Are Coming
We weren’t expecting Huck PAC to have to come to the rescue of 3 more races immediately following the 2024 elections, but the Democrats see this as their chance to un-do what the American People overwhelmingly voted for in November.
Unlike a normal race, these elections are going to be short, savage and expensive -- and we’re ready to do everything we can to help!
Please support Huck PAC with a donation in the amount you can afford. Every dollar helps→
Note to California voters
California’s Secretary of State has cleared an initiative to gather signatures for a “Calexit” ballot measure to vote on California seceding from the US. Yes, it’s the fevered brainchild of deranged Trump haters. But it’s unlikely to make it onto the ballot. We also wonder if it would pass, now that Californians have seen that Trump might be their only hope for water. Plus, there’s that bad historical precedent from the 1860s, which was the last time Democrats reacted to a Republican President who tried to make them give up their cheap imported labor by shooting him in the head and seceding from the union.
RELATED: We suspect a lot of Washington residents will be clamoring to secede from Seattle and join Idaho now that the Democrats who run the legislature have changed the rules to prevent any input from Republicans and are free to ram their insane “Make Washington San Francisco” agenda down the people’s throats
The Media won’t say this, but we will:
Congratulations, this takes work: The latest Quinnipiac University poll found something unprecedented. The Democratic Party’s favorable to unfavorable rating with voters is now 31-57%. That’s a -26% approval rating.
Thank you for your continued support of Huck PAC!